Jun 21, 2016

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Panasonic Konosuke Matsushita Museum Special Exhibition "The Road to Growth and Development - Learning from the History of M&As and Alliances"


Osaka, Japan - Panasonic Konosuke Matsushita Museum is organizing a special exhibition "Konosuke Matsushita 'The Road to Growth and Development - Learning from the History of M&As and Alliances.'" Many visitors have already visited this exhibition, which will be held until June 30, 2016.

Konosuke Matsushita has helped the company grow through numerous M&As and by forging many alliances. This exhibition introduces the founder's words as well as anecdotes to highlight his thinking, belief behind these M&As and alliances, through what processes he unified these companies and their strengths, how he has utilized the strengths of the employees who have become an integral part of Panasonic, and how he has helped them grow.

In the main area, the founder's quotes and videos introduce the "Keywords for Growth and Development." The 3 videos, "Being Poised to Gather Collective Wisdom," "Be Flexible and Respond to Changes," and "Responsibility Lies with Managers" are drawing much attention.

And the "Learning from the Founder" corner introduces the history, timeline and episodes regarding the M&As set into motion by Konosuke Matsushita. This begins with the acquisition of Hashimoto Electric in 1929, and continues onto the tie-up with Philips in 1952 and the turnaround of Victor Company of Japan in 1954. All in all, 7 case examples of mergers, acquisitions, and alliances are introduced from the negotiation stage to post merger integration together with Konosuke Matsushita's vision.

At the end, a video interview with President Tsuga on "Learning from Each Other and Growing" shot in the museum is being shown. The video introduces, in a very straightforward manner, what we should learn from the M&As and alliances Konosuke Matsushita forged, and how Panasonic's business structure and mindset is changing through M&As.
We hope the exhibition will help visitors in all types of positions to learn and grow. We look forward to welcoming you at the exhibition.

Special Exhibition Overview

Title Konosuke Matsushita "The Road to Growth and Development - Learning from the History of M&As and Alliances"
Dates April 20 (Wed) - June 30 (Thurs), 2016
Time Mondays to Fridays 9:00am to 7:00pm (will close at 5:00pm on the last day of the exhibition) /
Saturdays 9:00am to 5:00pm
*Closed Sundays, national holidays
Location 1006, Oaza Kadoma, Kadoma-shi, Osaka 571-8501, Japan [MAP]

Media Contacts:
Panasonic Corporation
Global Communications Department
Media Promotion Office

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    Special Exhibition Poster [PDF: 319KB]

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    Panasonic Konosuke Matsushita Museum

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