Panasonic in Numbers: Panasonic HX

Feb 21, 2025

Panasonic in Numbers / Feature Story


Panasonic in Numbers: Panasonic HX

Panasonic Manufacturing UK Ltd. (Location: Cardiff, Wales, UK; hereinafter referred to as “PMUK”), which develops, manufactures, and sells microwave ovens and other products, has completed the installation and begun trial operation of a demonstration power generation system. The microwave oven assembly factory is powered by renewable energy generated by the system through the integrated control of three types of energy sources: pure hydrogen fuel cell generators, photovoltaic generators, and storage batteries. This demonstration system, the first of its kind outside Japan, will bring Panasonic HX to scale with the Group seeking to build relationships with government agencies, local partner companies and business customers related to the hydrogen business to establish a foundation that will contribute to UK society and climate change countermeasures in the UK and across Europe.

This demonstration uses green hydrogen produced in the UK for in-house power generation and aims to supply 100% of the electricity consumed in PMUK’s microwave assembly from renewable sources by means of pure hydrogen fuel cell generators using green hydrogen, in combination with photovoltaic generators and storage batteries. This globally unique initiative integrating the three energy sources into a demonstration facility is the first attempt even for Panasonic. Through this demonstration, Panasonic is committed to developing its hydrogen business from a long-term perspective toward the realization of a future hydrogen society and carbon neutrality.

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