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Feb 28, 2019
Sustainability / Press Release
Panasonic has realized its first zero CO2 emission factories at two sites in Japan and Belgium, which are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by a combined total of approximately 5,000 tons per year.
Osaka, Japan – Panasonic Corporation announced today that it has realized its first zero CO2 emission factories at Panasonic Eco Technology Center Co., Ltd. (PETEC) in Hyogo, Japan and Panasonic Energy Belgium N.V. (PECBE) in Tessenderlo, Belgium, in January 2019.
Panasonic Corporation formulated the long-term environmental management vision "Panasonic Environment Vision 2050" in June 2017, and has been promoting environmental activities with a clear direction toward 2050. As one of these activities to promote businesses aiming for a sustainable society, the company is working globally to create factories that do not emit CO2 during their operation. Two factories at PETEC, a home appliance recycling company, and PECBE, which produces dry batteries, have become the first zero-CO2 emission factories for Panasonic by installing renewable energy power generation systems, procuring renewable electricity, and utilizing carbon credits to offset CO2 emissions from fossil fuels.
By making these factories the leading model of the company's zero-CO2 factories, and by gradually expanding the activities to global plants, Panasonic will steadily promote production that does not emit CO2, aiming for a sustainable society as envisioned by the "Environment Vision 2050."
These factories have implemented the following activities, which are expected to reduce CO2 emissions by a combined total of approximately 5,000 tons per year:
In the future, PETEC will promote measures that utilize internally-developed technologies, including strengthening energy conservation activities, further utilization of renewable energy such as geothermal heat, and introducing technology to absorb, separate, and utilize CO2 emitted from fossil fuels.
In addition, aiming for the factory to be more eco-conscious, PECBE is promoting a variety of activities, including the use of LED lighting, adopting an electric car as a company vehicle, and using waste wood for the walls of the eating and drinking space in the factory.
Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, and B2B businesses. The company, which celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2018, has expanded globally and now operates 591 subsidiaries and 88 associated companies worldwide, recording consolidated net sales of 7.982 trillion yen for the year ended March 31, 2018. Committed to pursuing new value through innovation across divisional lines, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for its customers. To learn more about Panasonic, visit https://www.panasonic.com/global.
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