Panasonic in Numbers: 100% Marine Biodegradable Molding Material

Feb 07, 2025

Panasonic in Numbers / Feature Story


Panasonic in Numbers: 100% Marine Biodegradable Molding Material

Growing concern over environmental impact, including marine plastic pollution, depletion of petroleum resources, and global warming, has led to a global effort to reduce the use of traditional plastic resins.
Today, 80% of all plastic waste is discarded and expectations are that by 2050, the amount of plastic in our oceans will outweigh the fish*.
Following years of R&D, Panasonic HD has developed a 100% marine biodegradable molding material based on plant-derived resins that is comparable in strength to polypropylene.
Certified as a “Marine Biodegradable & Biobased Plastics” by the Japan Bioplastics Association, Panasonic HD plans to commercialize this material by 2027, leveraging its unique properties for household appliance casings, automotive parts, consumer goods, and beverage and food containers, among other applications.


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