Panasonic's Annual Report 2013, for the year ended March 31, 2013, has been published on July 12, 2013. This report contains wide-ranging information including details of the Company's business strategies and financial position that assist mainly individual and institutional investors in making investment decisions.
- President's Message in Annual Report 2013
In this Report, particular emphasis was placed on the following points.
- The Panasonic Group's New Midterm Management Plan Explaining "Cross-Value Innovation 2015"
Kazuhiro Tsuga, who was appointed as Panasonic's new president in June 2012, explains the vision for the future, strategies for recovery and so forth.
- Explaining the business strategies of 4 Divisional Companies
We explain the business strategies of the 4 Divisional Companies newly established with the shift to a new management structure in April 2013.
Explanation about the Business Strategies of the four Divisional Companies
- Major Financial Indicators
Graphs and tables of major financial indicators and trends over the past five years
- To Our Stakeholders
Reports by top management on the Group's new structure
- President's Message
Reports on operating results in fiscal 2013 and New Midterm Management Plan "Cross-Value Innovation 2015"
- Overview of 4 Divisional Companies
Reports on the business strategies of the 4 Divisional Companies (Appliances Company, Eco Solutions Company, AVC Networks Company, Automotive & Industrial Systems Company)
- Others (ESG at Panasonic, Financial and Corporate Data)
- DATA BOOK 2013
Major financial and other data presented in chronological order.
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