In 2015, the United Nations established the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In recent years, SDGs are being introduced in schools, so they are becoming better recognized among youth in their teens and twenties. Having said that, people may know about the SDGs, but many still may not think the SDGs pertain to them. Panasonic is organizing the exhibition - Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World - to encourage the next generation of youth to think about and discover how the SDGs pertain to them and the actions they can take to become part of the solution.
- "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" Exhibition -
Keyword to feeling closer to the SDGs: "Kindness"
"Kindness" refers to the quality of being generous, considerate, having compassion. For the "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition, Panasonic began by thinking about how and where youth can interact with the SDGs so that they can start to feel that they also pertain to them. Based on the proposition that it is "kindness" that today's youth seek, Panasonic hypothesized that if people acted with "kindness" to those around them, in the region, and in society, this will become the first step to solving many of society's problems and bring us one step closer to achieving the SDGs.
But what does "kindness" actually mean? Panasonic defined it as meaning "to act by first thinking about and understanding other people and things." In other words, it means to act with "imagination" and "creativity".
What do "imagination" and "creativity" mean?
This might mean using "imagination" to think about someone or something besides yourself--for example, what someone sitting beside you may be feeling inside, about the lives of people in a country far away, or about other animals and the natural environment. And based on this imagination, we should use "creativity" to realize a better society. We should resolve society's issues by drawing on our imagination and creativity to ultimately bring to life a kind society and thereby achieve the SDGs.
Imagination and creativity are the key to a kind future.
"Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition
At Panasonic Center Tokyo (located at Ariake 3-5-1, Koto-ku, Tokyo), Panasonic is organizing a special exhibition, "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World", from November 3, 2020 to fuel people's imagination and creativity.
Based on the key phrase, "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World", Panasonic is holding numerous online contests on many platforms including social media to encourage youth participation.
"Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition overview
Period: November 3 to December 27, 2020 JST
Description: Panasonic is holding numerous online contests: "Kind Acts" contest on Twitter, "Kind Stories" contest on note, and "Expressing Kindness as Shapes" contest on AWRD. And Panasonic will be making a donation to the Japan Environmental Education Forum (JEEF https://www.jeef.or.jp/english/) which promotes environmental education based on the number of posts it receives as part of these contests.
In addition, Panasonic is organizing events such as "Starting to Think Imaginatively and Creatively About Kindness", "Expressing Kindness as Shapes Ideathon", and "Creating Kind Short Shorts". As a partner, Panasonic is also helping conduct a study program, "Kind Lab" where people can experiment on and discuss what kindness should look like for society.Special site for the "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition (Japanese)
Opening event, "Starting to Think Imaginatively and Creatively About Kindness"
November 3, 2020, the opening event "Starting to Think Imaginatively and Creatively About Kindness" was held both offline and online.
In order to communicate the importance of imagination and creativity to the youth, to encourage and empower them to act, guests who have continued to impact the world with their imagination and creativity took part in a talk show and shared their ideas.
- Participants: Approximately 70.
- Feedback: "I was inspired to give shape to ideas, too." "I learned that I should embrace my sensibilities, and also how I can help other people hone theirs."
"Expressing Kindness as Shapes Ideathon" workshop
On November 7, 2020, a talk show and workshop were held ahead of the "Expressing Kindness as Shapes Ideathon" contest, which encouraged people to submit their idea of kindness as graphics and product designs. In the workshop, people split up into 4 groups and ideated on products and ideas that "naturally feel kind".
- Participants: 40 talk show participants, 14 workshop participants
- Feedback: "I thought expressing kindness as shapes would be very vague and abstract, but I learned that it is actually made up of many layers of different sensibilities".
Panasonic Center Tokyo is actively engaging in activities that help educate the youth of the next generation. The world today is changing rapidly, but we have continued to organize the "power of imagination and creativity event," a series of webinars where we welcome internal and external guests from a wide range of fields.
As represented by the "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition, Panasonic hopes to continue to offer opportunities to creatively imagine about the SDGs and our role in society, and inspire and discover ways to make the world a better place.
"Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition contests are still in progress on Twitter, note, and AWRD, so please take part. For details, please check out the special site below.
*The note contest will end on December 7, 2020 (Monday).
*Contests are still underway, but the registration period for all other events has ended. We thank you for your kind understanding.
"Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition special site. (Japanese)
Panasonic Center Tokyo's online campaign, "Your Imagination and Creativity Will Light Up the World" exhibition hopes to encourage people to take action towards the achievement of the SDGs. (Japanese)
Panasonic Center Tokyo's online study program, "Kindness Lab" encourages youth to think about the type of kindness society needs. (Japanese)
Kindness Lab official site. (Japanese)
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Related Links
- Panasonic Center Tokyo | Osaka
- Fun at home - Panasonic Center Tokyo
- Initiatives for SDGs