image: Panasonic Installs an In-house Hydrogen-based Renewable Energy Power Generation System in Its UK Factory

Dec 03, 2024

Sustainability / Press Release

Integrating and controlling three types of energy sources: pure hydrogen fuel cell generators using green hydrogen, in combination with photovoltaic generators and storage batteries

Panasonic Installs an In-house Hydrogen-based Renewable Energy Power Generation System in Its UK Factory

Using heat generated during pure hydrogen fuel cell generation to preheat water for the heating operation of the air conditioning system

image: Panasonic GREEN IMPACT logo

Tokyo, Japan – Panasonic Corporation (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Masahiro Shinada; hereinafter referred to as "Panasonic") today announced that it has completed the installation and begun trial operation of a demonstration power generation system at Panasonic Manufacturing UK Ltd. (Location: Cardiff, Wales, UK; hereinafter referred to as "PMUK"), which develops, manufactures, and sells microwave ovens and other products. The microwave oven assembly factory is powered by renewable energy generated by the system through the integrated control of three types of energy sources: pure hydrogen fuel cell generators, photovoltaic generators, and storage batteries. PMUK will enhance resilience by efficiently generating and storing only the amount of electricity required on-site. Additionally, it will establish an energy management system (EMS) that tracks changes in the factory's electricity demand and weather changes in the UK. The EMS will begin operation by the end of March 2025 and provide a stable supply of renewable energy to the microwave oven assembly factory.

PMUK has installed 21 units of 5 kW pure hydrogen fuel cell generators as part of a distributed system optimized for the amount of electricity used in its microwave oven assembly factory. In combination with 372 kW photovoltaic generators and 1 MWh storage batteries, PMUK aims to operate the system to supply the necessary electricity from 100% renewable energy. The integrated control of 21 pure hydrogen fuel cell generators will level out the operating hours of each unit and improve maintainability, allowing for uninterrupted maintenance. Further, by using green hydrogen produced in the UK, the electricity used in the microwave oven assembly factory will be decarbonized. To power the microwave oven assembly factory, the photovoltaic power generation system for the demonstration uses an output of 372 kW, a portion of the total 760 kW output from photovoltaic power generators installed on the roof of the PMUK building last year. Panasonic will develop a highly effective solution that enables the integrated control of three types of batteries by combining existing photovoltaic generators with newly installed pure hydrogen fuel cell generators and storage batteries. The effectiveness of the solution will also be verified.

At this demonstration facility, heat generated during the electricity production by the pure hydrogen fuel cell generators will be used to provide heating and hot water in the microwave oven assembly factory, aiming to achieve an energy efficiency of 95% for the pure hydrogen fuel cell generators with the cogeneration effect. The heat generated during power generation will be used to preheat water for the newly installed "water circulation air conditioning system" (which collects heat from the atmosphere to create cold and hot water that is circulated around the room to adjust the room temperature), thereby further reducing power consumption during hot water heating operation through integrated heat utilization. Additionally, the factory aims to integrate the use of heat from existing electric boilers to reduce the power consumption required to supply hot water within the factory. When controlling the EMS, demonstration data will be accumulated concerning the balance of power supply and demand, dependent on changes in weather conditions, fluctuations in power demand, and other factors, while incorporating external local weather forecast data. This will help Panasonic accumulate know-how for enhancing the EMS, one of its core technologies, strengthen its supply and demand adjustment technology to minimize losses in the generation, storage, and transmission of renewable energy, and ensure a stable energy supply.

This demonstration uses green hydrogen for in-house power generation and integrates and controls three types of energy sources to run the factory on 100% renewable energy in environmentally advanced European countries. This globally unique initiative is the first attempt even for Panasonic. Through this demonstration, Panasonic aims to achieve a solution that is optimal for the characteristics of the region. Furthermore, through the operation of the demonstration system, the company will also seek to build relationships with local partner companies and business customers related to the hydrogen business to establish a business foundation. Aiming for a society where well-being and sustainability are compatible, Panasonic will create new businesses that contribute to UK society and climate change measures. It will also tackle efforts to develop its business from a long-term perspective toward the realization of a future hydrogen society and carbon neutrality.

■PMUK demonstration facility

Target site

Microwave oven assembly factory

  • Peak electric power: Approximately 280 kW
  • Annual power consumption: Approximately 1 GWh
  • Factory building area: 29,000 m2

Start of operation

Trial operation to begin in December 2024/Demonstration operation of the EMS to begin around March 2025

Demonstration facility

Demonstration site area: Approximately 1,200 m2 (Excluding photovoltaic generator installation area)

  • Pure hydrogen fuel cell generators: 105 kW (21 units)
  • Storage batteries: 1 MWh
  • Switch Room  • Water Cooling & Heat Recovery
  • Nitrogen Store
  • Hydrogen supply area (supplied by green hydrogen tank trailers)
  • Photovoltaic generators: 372 kW (supplied to the microwave oven assembly factory, out of a total of 760 kW consumed by PMUK)

Verification items

  • Optimal EMS control to respond to the UK's weather and electricity conditions, and changes in power demand within the factory
  • Verification of the effectiveness of the integrated control of three types of energy sources in combination with existing photovoltaic generators
  • Improving energy efficiency through heat utilization (heating and hot water supply) of pure hydrogen fuel cell generators

■Demonstration system in PMUK

image: Pure hydrogen fuel cell generators

Pure hydrogen fuel cell generators

Photovoltaic generators (throughout PMUK)

image: Storage batteries

Storage batteries

■Layout of the demonstration site in PMUK

image: Layout of the demonstration site in PMUK

<Panasonic Group's Environmental Initiatives>

With the aim of achieving both a better life and a sustainable global environment, the Panasonic Group has established Panasonic GREEN IMPACT, its long-term environmental vision. Under this vision, the group is engaged in business activities with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions from its operations to net zero by 2030 and creating an impact that reduces CO2 emissions by more than 300 million tons,*2 approximately 1% of the current total global CO2 emissions*1 of about 33 billion tons by 2050.

*1 In 2019, energy-related CO2 emissions totaled 33.6 billion tons (source: IEA)
*2 Based on the CO2 emission factor for the year 2020

About Panasonic Corporation

Panasonic Corporation offers products and services for a variety of living environments, ranging from homes to stores to offices and cities. There are five businesses at the core of Panasonic Corporation: Living Appliances and Solutions Company, Heating & Ventilation A/C Company, Cold Chain Solutions Company, Electric Works Company and China and Northeast Asia Company. The operating company reported consolidated net sales of 3,494.4 billion yen for the year ended March 31, 2024. Panasonic Corporation is committed to fulfilling the mission of Life Tech & Ideas: For the wellbeing of people, society and the planet, and embraces the vision of becoming the best partner of your life with human-centric technology and innovation. Learn more about Panasonic:


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Panasonic Corporation

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