Nov 13, 2014

Company / Blog Posts

Panasonic President Tsuga Delivers Keynote Speech at the 78th IEC General Meeting in Tokyo

Tokyo, Japan - The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a global organization that develops international standards for all electrical and electronic technologies. This year's IEC General Meeting was held in Tokyo from November 4 to November 15. Panasonic, which has worked closely with the IEC to establish numerous international standards, took this opportunity to showcase its technologies and initiatives, and Panasonic President Kazuhiro Tsuga gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony on November 10.

  • A flash report of the IEC Tokyo keynote speech by Panasonic President Kazuhiro Tsuga.
  • 01_IEC_General_Meeting_in_Tokyo_booth.jpg
    Introducing Panasonic's innovative technologies at IEC Tokyo.

Panasonic's activities have always been centered on people, and place great value on electrical safety and quality. Panasonic has developed a wide variety of products, aiming to enrich people's lives. In this endeavor, the company has worked closely with the IEC to establish and promote international standards for electrical safety and energy efficiency.

  • 02_IEC_General_Meeting_in_Tokyo_tuga.jpg
    President Tsuga presenting a keynote speech at IEC Tokyo.

In the keynote speech, President Tsuga noted that "we are entering the era of the "Internet of Things," where everything is connected to the Internet. Therefore, by leveraging technologies such as automated device recognition and control, as well as sensing approaches, we can offer new value to daily lifestyles."

He also introduced major Panasonic technologies and initiatives in today's era of "environmental and energy revolution" in the housing industry.


Panasonic provides comprehensive solutions that offer the capabilities of energy creation and storage, as well as energy management, to connect all of the devices in the home. Panasonic has significantly contributed to the establishment of "ECHONET Lite," the communication protocol for HEMS (Home Energy Management System), and its standardization at the IEC.


Over the years, Panasonic has supplied lithium-ion batteries for use in information and communication devices, such as PCs. The company has also been successful in expanding the use of lithium-ion batteries to automobiles, and is working closely with the IEC to establish standards for automotive batteries, including the power-charging interface and vehicle-to-home specifications.

Smart City

In Fujisawa City, 50 kilometers from Tokyo, Panasonic is closely collaborating with a number of partners in the construction of "Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town." In this Smart Town, which aims to offer comfortable and yet sustainable living, Panasonic is working to make the town fully connected, with products and services also available from other manufacturers and industries.
Today, a variety of Smart City projects have been developed in many parts of the world. In order to expand Smart City initiatives beyond national borders, it is essential to establish international standards. Panasonic's research includes, for example, the use of distributed energy resources, and interconnections between different communities. Through these efforts, Panasonic intends to further contribute to the development of Smart Cities on a global scale.

Panasonic will continue to work with the IEC to create new international standards so that it may contribute to broader aspects of people's lives and help to build a better society.

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