Mar 04, 2025
- Company
- Press Release
- Panasonic GREEN IMPACT
- Circular Economy
- R&D
- ESG Management
- Educational Solution
- EXPO 2025
Aug 30, 2024
Company / Press Release
Osaka, Japan, Aug 30, 2024 – Panasonic Holdings Corporation (Panasonic HD) today released its Sustainability Data Book 2024 summarizing the group’s initiatives for fiscal 2024, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. The company published the book on the sustainability section of its corporate website.
■Sustainability Website
■Sustainability Data Book 2024
The Sustainability Data Book is an annual report that summarizes the group’s policies, approach and performance data, among other things, across environmental, social, and governance (ESG) fields. In response to requests from stakeholders, this year’s edition includes comprehensive coverage of the latest data in each field and further enhances disclosure content.
1. The report clarifies and presents the Panasonic Group's approach to sustainability management, which squarely addresses social issues, thus making meaningful contributions toward a sustainable society, resulting in continuous enhancement of its corporate value. Additionally, the company has enriched the content in the book by disclosing KPIs for its initiatives regarding materiality (important opportunities and risks related to sustainability).
2. Environment:
The report includes information on initiatives pertaining to the "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT" and the results and progress in the environmental action plan "GREEN IMPACT PLAN2024" recorded in FY2024. In addition, Panasonic HD report on the Panasonic Group's awareness-raising and standardization activities for avoided emissions, that seek to allow companies to visualize and expand their contributions to decarbonizing society as a whole through their products and services. The report also includes information on Panasonic HD’s voluntary disclosure of the calculation formulas of avoided emissions for the group’s six business areas. Additionally, the group conducted a scenario analysis for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD*) in response to investor requests, and the results are included in the report.
* A task force established by the Financial Stability Board as requested at a G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting.
3. Society:
In reporting on due diligence efforts of its own operation and its supply chain, the report newly includes an explanation on the process for prioritizing identified potential and existing human rights risks at the group's manufacturing companies and sites, as well as examples of items identified during supplier audits that the company has asked suppliers to improve. Regarding employee well-being, the report presents further details of the goals and longitudinal analysis of the employee opinion survey, which is a key indicator in employee well-being, and introduces its efforts to encourage career autonomy in line with the employee experience (recruitment, training, evaluation, transfers, etc.). It also reports on product quality and safety, AI ethics, customer relations, publicity and advertisement, intellectual property, and community relations.
4. Governance:
The book reports on risk management, business ethics, and cyber security and data protection.
Through sustainability initiatives, the Panasonic Group aims to build and strengthen a sustainable management foundation while creating new value, primarily in the areas of the global environment and lifestyle. The company aims to continue to provide detailed explanation on these initiatives through its Sustainability Data Book and other means and to engage in dialogue with its stakeholders.
- Information on the Panasonic Group
The Panasonic Group has set forth its long-term environmental vision, "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT," with the aim of achieving both a better life and a sustainable global environment for all. Under PGI, Panasonic Group strives towards achieving virtually net zero CO2 emissions from its own operations by 2030, and will contribute an impact of more than 300 million tons (*1) of reduced and avoided CO2, which is equivalent to about 1 percent of the global total in the year 2020 of approximately 31.7 billion tons (*2) by 2050. The group also works on business activities to realize a circular economy in which resource efficiency contributes to decarbonization and reduces the consumption of limited natural resources.
*1: CO2 Emission factor based on 2020
*2: 31.7 billion tons of energy-derived CO2 emissions in 2020 (Source: IEA)
Panasonic GREEN IMPACT – Corporate Information – Panasonic Holdings
About the Panasonic Group Founded in 1918, and today a global leader in developing innovative technologies and solutions for wide-ranging applications in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, industry, communications, and energy sectors worldwide, the Panasonic Group switched to an operating company system on April 1, 2022 with Panasonic Holdings Corporation serving as a holding company and eight companies positioned under its umbrella. The Group reported consolidated net sales of 8,496.4 billion yen for the year ended March 31, 2024. To learn more about the Panasonic Group, please visit: https://holdings.panasonic/global/ |
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