Mar 19, 2025
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Feb 06, 2024
Sustainability / Press Release
Panasonic Holdings Corporation (PHD) has been named an A-list*2 company for 2023 by CDP*1, an international non-profit organization, in recognition of its leadership in disclosure transparency and performance in the area of climate change. This marks the second consecutive year, and the fifth time overall, that PHD has received CDP’s highest rating.
CDP is widely recognized as the global standard for corporate environmental reporting, and the ratings (scores) published annually by CDP are widely used to drive investment and procurement decisions toward a net zero, sustainable and resilient economy. In 2023, more than 740 signatory financial institutions with over US$136 trillion in combined total assets requested disclosure of data on environmental impacts, risks, and opportunities through the CDP platform, and approximately 23,000 companies, representing two-thirds of the world's market capitalization, responded. Earning an “A” rating from CDP indicates that a company has been evaluated as positioning climate change as a critical management issue and managing its governance, strategy, risk management, metrics and targets appropriately in line with TCFD*3, which helps the company to gain the trust of investors and customers and facilitate its business. PHD received the highest “A” rating in the climate change category again this year for setting ambitious and meaningful goals for addressing and resolving climate change issues, for its emissions reduction activities, and for the transparency and comprehensiveness of its information disclosure.
Committed to creating a better life and a sustainable global environment for future generations, the Panasonic Group will continue to promote efforts to solve global environmental problems and transparent disclosure of environmental information, working hand in hand with society to achieve a carbon neutral world.
*1: CDP is an international NPO headquartered in the United Kingdom. It conducts activities to urge companies and local governments to disclose information about their environmental measures.
*2: CDP rates companies using nine grades (A, A-, B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, and F).
*3: Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): A framework for disclosing financial information on corporate climate change initiatives and impacts. The TCFD was established by the Financial Stability Board, which consists of central banks and other institutions from various countries, in response to a request from the G20.
The Panasonic Group has set forth its long-term environmental vision, "Panasonic GREEN IMPACT," with the aim of achieving both a better life and a sustainable global environment for all. Under PGI, Panasonic Group strives towards achieving virtually net zero CO2 emissions from its own operations by 2030, and will contribute an impact of more than 300 million tons (*4) of reduced and avoided CO2, which is equivalent to about 1 percent of the current global total of approximately 31.7 billion tons (*5) by 2050. The group also works on business activities to realize a circular economy in which resource efficiency contributes to decarbonization and reduces the consumption of limited natural resources.
*4: CO2 Emission factor based on 2020
*5: 31.7 billion tons of energy-derived CO2 emissions in 2020 (Source: IEA)
Panasonic GREEN IMPACT - About Us - Panasonic Holdings (https://holdings.panasonic/global/corporate/panasonic-green-impact.html)
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