Apr 12, 2016

Solutions for a Better Future / Feature Story

Products & Solutions

Nail Art Created with Panasonic's Impact Driver - "Girls, Impact the World!"

Panasonic Corporation Eco Solutions Company ("Panasonic") organized an event that catered to women who are into DIY, "Girls, Impact the World," in the Canyon Court located on the second floor of Namba Parks, Osaka, Japan, for 3 days from March 29 to 31, 2016. During the 3 days, the company created 3 pieces of art depicting great women of the past who shaped the world accompanied by their famous quotes.

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The event welcomed DIY girls as performers who used one of Panasonic's electric tools, "Stick Impact Driver," to demonstrate the tool's robustness by placing nails into a sign approximately 1.8m high and 7.2m wide. Nearly 1,000 visitors also had a go at the Impact Driver and experience how fun DIY can be, and how easy to use Panasonic's electronic tools are.

Nail art details

[Tools used] 2 x Panasonic Stick Impact Drivers (EZ7521)
[Nails used] 18,780 nails
[Participants] 988 (675 DIY girls, 313 DIY boys)
[Duration] March 29 (Tue) to 31 (Thurs), 2016 - Completed by 14:00 in local time

  • 435px

    Nail art "Cleopatra"

  • 435px

    Nail art "Jeanne d'Arc"

Reference: Summary of the "Girls, Impact the World!" event
- Period: March 29 (Tue) to 31 (Thurs), 2016 11:00 - 17:00
- Venue: Namba Parks 2F Canyon Court (2-10-70 Namba-naka, Naniwa-ku, Osaka City, Japan)
- Pre-registration not necessary.
- No participation fee required.

Media Contacts:
Panasonic Corporation
Global Communications Department
Media Promotion Office

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