Jan 24, 2012

Solutions for a Better Future / Feature Story

Products & Solutions

Dehumidifiers Indispensable in Taiwan

Hi everyone! This is Yuriko in Taipei. Goods from around the world abound here but recent trends show consumers basing purchasing decisions on lifestyle-friendliness or quality rather than just price. Popular products include Panasonic, referred to as "guoji pai." For this article, I visited twin sisters, Diane and Susan, who use their Panasonic dehumidifier regularly. It's hot and humid throughout the year with average annual humidity reaching 75% to 80%. In summers, we have afternoon thundershowers and in winters, long rainy days. Thus, dehumidifiers are indispensable here in one of Taiwan's biggest cities. The twins showed me how they get the most out of their unit.

Panasonic makes its products and technologies available to a diverse range of consumers around the world. These articles show some of the ways the company is changing lives in different cultures from the views of local reporters.

Truly Versatile Panasonic Dehumidifier

Fashionable and stylish, both Diane and Susan work in the city. Diane, the eldest, is a buyer for a large drugstore chain while Susan works as an executive secretary at a trading firm. They use their dehumidifier in various ways and it's often in Diane's room, where I found it placed directly in front of her closet.

Convenient timer function for dehumidifying closets daily

"We dehumidify the closet for two to three hours after returning home every day," says Diane. "This keeps clothes and leather items, such as bags, jackets and belts, mold-free." Since it's easy to forget the unit is running, the timer is really convenient for automatically turning it off before going to bed.

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    Panasonic Dehumidifier Means Less Worry About Her Favorite Leather Jacket.
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    Placed in front of the Closet, She Chooses "Dry Clothes" Mode, Sets the Timer and Is Ready to Go.
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    Other Features Include a Sensor That Monitors Air Humidity and One That Removes Bacteria and Mold to Prevent Mold from Growing.

Dries laundry quickly to prevent unpleasant 'damp-dry' odors

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    The Timer Is Convenient for Drying Laundry As Well.

The twins also use the unit for drying laundry. "We keep it near clothes that are hung to dry, which really speeds up drying and prevents that 'damp-dry' smell," they say. "This is great when it rains." Many others in Taiwan also use a dehumidifier for drying laundry.

Air Cleaning Function A Real Health Benefit

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    Equipped with Wheels for Easy Portability.

They also like the air cleaning function. In Taipei, car and motorcycle traffic is quite high and pollen is prevalent throughout the year, resulting in a large demand for air cleaners. Diane and Susan use the air cleaning function to periodically refresh the air in their living room. Keeping this area clean and comfortable promotes a more healthy lifestyle.

A Charming Design -- Panasonic, The Dehumidifier Of Choice

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    They Like the Simple Design That Blends with Any Decor.
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    Panasonic Dehumidifiers Are Displayed Front Row in an Electronics Store with a Sticker Proclaiming "No. 1 Sales in Taiwan 2010."

When I asked why they chose Panasonic, Susan replied: "I read a lot about the brand. Many homes have dehumidifiers and Panasonic was definitely a favorite due to their quality and design. We chose this particular model based on recommendations on the net and also for its simple design."

Clearly, their Panasonic dehumidifier makes a useful -- and healthful -- addition to their home and exciting lifestyle.

Thanks for sharing with us, Diane and Susan!

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