Sep 28, 2016

Company / Press Release

Development of a Customer-oriented Structure to Strengthen the B2B Solutions Business

Osaka, Japan - Panasonic Corporation (President: Kazuhiro Tsuga) today announced that it will implement organizational restructuring under the AVC Networks Company (hereafter "the AVC Company") and establish a new internal company named the "Connected Solutions Company" on April 1, 2017 with the aim of developing a structure for the customer-oriented business that will play a central role in the growth of the group-wide B2B solutions business. Under the customer-oriented organizational structure, the Connected Solutions Company will aim to become a highly profitable business entity that offers "value of connection" to B2B customers through the use of high quality products incorporating advanced technologies, and IoT solutions.

The Connected Solutions Company will define its five key business areas as "Retail & Logistics," "Entertainment," "Public," "Avionics," and "Manufacturing," and push forward the transformation from the conventional product-oriented to the industrial-based business division structure that corresponds to the key business areas. The new company will aim to become an indispensable technology partner for our customers, contributing to their success and the realization of a better society together.

The business structure will undergo a major revamp as follows.

1. Development of an industry-specific business division structure within the Connected Solutions Company

(1) Establishment of the "Media Entertainment Business Division"

The Imaging Network Business Division's B2B business and the Visual Systems Business Division under the AVC Company, and the AV Systems Business Unit under Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. (hereafter "PSN Co., Ltd.") will be integrated to launch the "Media Entertainment Business Division" under the Connected Solutions Company. The new business division will take advantage of its core audiovisual products and advanced technologies and offer new excitement to the entertainment industry, including in theme parks and stadiums.

(2) Establishment of the "Process Automation Business Division"

The Smart Factory Solutions Business Division and related businesses under the Automotive & Industrial Systems Company (hereafter "the AIS Company") will be integrated under the Connected Solutions Company to launch the "Process Automation Business Division." The synergy of mounting/welding machines and the AVC Company's key IoT-related technologies will create new solutions for the manufacturing industry.

2. Transfer of the B2C business to the Appliances Company (hereafter "the AP Company")

The B2C business under the AVC Company's Imaging Network Business Division, the Communication Products Business Division under PSN Co., Ltd., and Panasonic Hearing Instruments Co., Ltd. will be transferred to the AP Company. Under the AP Company's consolidated consumer electronics business strategies, these businesses will strengthen regional sales strategies as well as individual product strategies and aim for further business growth.

3. Launch of Panasonic System Solutions Japan Co., Ltd.

Due to a short form demerger, PSN Co., Ltd. will split up the Security Systems Business Division, Communication Products Business Division, Office Products Business Division, AV Systems Business Unit, and directly controlled departments and hand them over to Panasonic Corporation. With this action, PSN Co., Ltd. will be renamed "Panasonic System Solutions Japan Co., Ltd. (hereafter PSSJ Co., Ltd.)" on April 1, 2017. As an independent corporation responsible for the solutions business in Japan, PSSJ Co., Ltd. will introduce a suitable management system for the solutions business.

About Panasonic

Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, enterprise solutions and device industries. Since its founding in 1918, the company has expanded globally and now operates 474 subsidiaries and 94 associated companies worldwide, recording consolidated net sales of 7.553 trillion yen for the year ended March 31, 2016. Committed to pursuing new value through innovation across divisional lines, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for its customers. To learn more about Panasonic:

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