Mar 09, 2021

Corporate News / Feature Story


Programming Opens World to Biology and Chemistry - Pilot Lessons by Panasonic and Scratch in Japan

Panasonic has developed a curriculum for students in which they use Scratch educational programming software to program a prototype IoT toaster. The pilot lessons involved junior high school students who were tasked with baking their dream cookies in the toasters.

During the pilot lessons, students at Kosei Junior High School in Niigata, Japan, developed a program in Scratch which controlled the toasters during the cookie-baking process. The curriculum takes students into new ground, expanding beyond traditional applications for programming in mathematics and physics into chemistry and biology.

A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'
A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'

A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'

Advice and feedback from many people have been incorporated into the curriculum, which gives students new opportunities and exposure to new people and new things. The school feels very excited about the possibilities for cross-curricular learning.

A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'
A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'

A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'

In this case, students got excited about the idea of helping others and learned about the joy of cooking for someone. These lessons have opened the students' eyes to what programming can do and encouraged them to challenge themselves.

A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'
A screenshot from the video 'Scratch Home - Learning about Biology and Chemistry through Programming'

Panasonic plans to keep on testing the curriculum and developing more spaces that allow children to play and create through programming.

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