Oct 13, 2020

Solutions for a Better Future / Feature Story

Products & Solutions

The History of Samarkand Blue

Uzbekistan's old capital, Samarkand, flourished as a strategic stop along the Silk Road, which traversed China, India, and Arabia and connected eastern and western cultures. In "Samarkand--Crossroad of Cultures," a registered UNESCO World Heritage site, there are many monuments decorated in "Samarkand blue" tiles. Panasonic's 8K camera has captured the sight of people captivated by the city and of tile workers who have, for generations, restored the tiles of these monuments.

In Samarkand, summer temperatures rise above 50 degrees Celsius and drop below zero in winter. Subjected to harsh temperatures, monuments in this town, some as old as 600 years, have become damaged and require repair.

There are many secret techniques--how the clay and paint are made, how the tiles are baked--that have preserved the beauty and quality of the tiles. These time-tested tile working techniques have been passed down for generations, from father to son.

Samarkand blue is infused with the desire for peace.
Preserving the beauty of the monuments entrusted by their forefathers, restoring them, and bestowing them upon future generations. With this mission in their hearts, the tile workers continue to carry on with their work day after day.

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*This 8K short film is uploaded in HD for web-viewing.

Please also take a look at behind-the-scenes clips of the video, "The History of Samarkand Blue" shot in 8K60p/HDR.

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