Jan 21, 2022

Company / Blog Posts

Panasonic "Annual Report 2021" Published

Annual Report 2021

Osaka, Japan - On January 19, 2022, Panasonic Corporation published the second part of its "Annual Report 2021" to complete the first part published in September 2021. This year's Annual Report is published in a series of two parts to provide up-to-date information.

The report is available for downloading from the website below:

Panasonic positions its Annual Report as an integrated report covering management strategies for medium- to long-term growth, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) systems and initiatives. It also includes operating results, financial position, and various other information. It is published primarily for investors.

In this report, with the aim of achieving an "ideal society" with affluence both in matter and mind, the Company discusses the future management direction of the Panasonic Group, including its contributions to solving global environmental issues and the initiatives for strengthening its competitive edge by realizing constant improvements, along with an overview of what each business aspires to achieve under the new operating company system. Also, the Company considers that ESG management is precisely about implementing the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group, and the Company therefore presents information about specific policies and initiatives from the viewpoints of business opportunities and social responsibilities.

Since the Company's foundation, Panasonic has endeavored to contribute to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people through its business activities based on the thinking that a company is a public entity of society. Moving forward, Panasonic will aim to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value by putting into practice its management philosophy.

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Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2021
Annual Report 2021

Annual Report 2021

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