Sep 11, 2024
- Products & Solutions
- Press Release
Dec 17, 2018
Products & Solutions / Press Release
Center to function as a hub for enhanced customer interaction aiming
to achieve the company's shift to B2B solutions
Osaka, Japan - Panasonic Corporation today announced that its internal company in charge of its main B2B operations, Connected Solutions Company (CEO: Yasuyuki Higuchi), will open the Customer Experience Center at its Tokyo Hamarikyu office as a main hub for B2B customer interaction in order to expedite and promote its vision of "Gemba Process Innovation."*1 The Center is planned to open in January 2019.
Entrance to the Customer Experience Center
In order to realize its vision of providing Gemba Process Innovation - including consultation, project management, and field service - to its customers in the B2B solutions business, Panasonic believes it is vital to get closer to its customers, accurately grasp their needs, and to co-create with them as a partner. Therefore, the company has established the Center as a place to better interact with customers and thoroughly discuss with them about the products and solutions which will best fulfil their needs.
To add a solutions layer to its current business and realize Gemba Process Innovation, Panasonic believes it is important to hear out each customer's business challenges directly and in depth. The company intends to provide solutions for these various business challenges by working with its customers from a trans-departmental, unified standpoint. Panasonic sees the Center playing an important function, and has positioned it as a unified springboard for creating a strong customer connection.
More than just a showroom, the Center is a place for discussion and co-creation with customers. At the Center, specialists called "Evangelists" - employees who possess in-depth knowledge of their respective fields - will hold discussions, hear out the customers' problems, and then offer necessary advice through consultation. Customers are facing diverse problems including IT, logistics, and work style reforms; and Panasonic aims to offer a wide variety of advice since it has addressed a broad range of similar issues within its own company. By holding discussions on pressing issues with customers who visit the Center, the company will be able to deepen its engagement with them; and by tailoring the content of such topics to address the particular needs of each customer, Panasonic aims to achieve meaningful interaction and to co-create solutions together with customers.
Proposals on various themes will be carried out in the presentation room
An exhibition area focusing on the company's core technologies as keys to co-creating solutions
One of the four internal companies of Panasonic Corporation, Connected Solutions Company is responsible for the development, manufacture and sale of devices, and provision of solutions, including system integration, installation, maintenance and repair for the avionics, manufacturing, entertainment, retail, logistics, and public service sectors.
Enhancing the world by providing ever greater convenience is a major challenge for people at any enterprise. Fundamental solutions to complex issues require process innovation at the actual "gemba," where things get made, distributed or sold.
Unique insight gained from over a century of manufacturing allows Panasonic to propose and enact comprehensive gemba-focused solutions that address today's changing value network. By proactively bringing about innovation within customers' gemba operations, Panasonic is helping to ensure a better life, a better world.
Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, and B2B businesses. Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2018, the company has expanded globally and now operates 495 subsidiaries and 91 associated companies worldwide, recording consolidated net sales of 7.343 trillion yen for the year ended March 31, 2017. Committed to pursuing new value through innovation across divisional lines, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for its customers. To learn more about Panasonic:
Panasonic Corporation
Tel: +81-(0)3-3574-5664
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