Mar 31, 2021

Solutions for a Better Future / Feature Story

Products & Solutions

Analysis of Athletes' Faces with Contactless Vital Sensing Helps Improve Performance

Panasonic's Contactless Vital Sensing estimates athletes' heart rates from images of their faces. This new technology was successfully field tested at an archery tournament. It will add an extra dimension to sporting events on television, as well as help athletes in training and in competition.

The Contact Vital Sensing technology measures heart rates by focusing a camera on athletes' faces. Subtle changes in skin color--which on the captured video are invisible to the naked eye--are analyzed. Heart rate data is then extracted with signal processing.

A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'
A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'

A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'

Representatives of World Archery were very impressed with Contactless Vital Sensing on a previous visit to Tokyo. At field tests during the 2019 World Archery championships in the Netherlands, developers from Panasonic had the chance to work closely with engineers on site. This enabled them to improve and fine tune the technology, and to speedily fulfill the partner's requirements.

A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'
A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'

By showing the levels of stress experienced by athletes in competition, World Archery intends to use Contactless Vital Sensing to enhance the experience of television viewers.

A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'
A screenshot from the video 'Contactless Vital Sensing - Field Tasted at 2019 World Archery Championships'

Athletes need to monitor their physical reactions to keep in peak condition. Contactless Vital Sensing is also expected to help athletes manage their training regimes and optimize their performance.

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