Apr 21, 2014

Solutions for a Better Future / Feature Story

Products & Solutions

Effective Wireless Solutions for Disaster Prevention as a Test-bed in Indonesia

In Indonesia, where earthquakes and tsunami are common, how can Panasonic deliver a solution even when disaster strikes?
Panasonic is committed to creating a better life and a better world, continuously contributing to the evolution of society and to the happiness of people around the globe. Through its wide range of business solutions, Panasonic is looking to create a "new Panasonic" which can truly achieve "A Better Life A Better World."

Among the Asian countries, Indonesia is particularly prone to earthquakes and tsunamis with its location situated along the edges of the Pacific, Eurasian and Australian tectonic plates. While measures have been taken to lessen the impact of natural disasters, it can be difficult to assess damage and impact of a disaster struck areas or even shelters after a disaster. Panasonic has stepped in working together with Indonesian governmental organizations such as BPPT, the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology on a test-bed wireless disaster prevention system.

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    Cathy, Panasonic News Portal reporter takes you to Padang, Indonesia to see how the wireless disaster prevention system is being utilized

An explanation of the information flow

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During the training, local BPPT staff actively used the packaged solutions and re-enacted the steps necessary post-earthquake.

  • After the disaster has occurred, staffs are dispatched to designated evacuation sites to communicate with the command center by sharing still images as well as clear-cut voice communication via the wireless handsets on the 260 Mz frequency set.
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BPPT staff communicates to the command center via the wireless handset

  • A self-sustaining green power supply system equipped with security cameras have been installed at a designated shelter site to demonstrate the high quality surveillance footage that can warn of tsunami or other dangers instantly via a multi-access controller on a 4.9 GHz frequency.
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Shelter site with off-grid capabilities providing electricity for the security cameras even when power lines are damaged

  • Finally, at the command center, all information provided from the various sites and security cameras can be mapped out on an application to pinpoint the location of damage and hence allow staffs to act upon the information immediately.
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At the command center, staff can view a map of all the information via the base station which can then be transferred and gathered on large Panasonic monitors.

Through this test bed trial, Panasonic not only hopes to gain know-how on similar large scale installations of the disaster prevention system overseas especially in disaster prone areas such as Indonesia and ultimately provide solutions that can benefit the people of society.

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