Nov 02, 2023

Panasonic in Numbers / Feature Story


Panasonic in Numbers: GX Technologies

The Panasonic Group’s intellectual property strategy is designed to contribute to addressing and resolving social issues today and contribute to business competitiveness tomorrow.
In an analysis* of patent data by the Japan Patent Office (JPO) based on the GXTI, a technology inventory that provides an overview of green transformation technologies (GX technologies), Panasonic Group ranked 4th worldwide with 7,446 IPFs (International Patent Families)** for its GX technologies.
The Group also ranks high in its focus areas such as secondary batteries, fuel cells, and hydrogen technologies.

*Prepared by Panasonic based on JPO’s “2022 Patent Information Analysis Based on GXTI (Abstract),” March 2023:
**The number of inventions for which applications were filed in more than one country/region, to the EPO, or to the PCT

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