Solutions Unique to India through a Thorough Understanding of Customer Issues and Creative Measures: Vijay Wadhawan

Panasonic Group People

Solutions Unique to India through a Thorough Understanding of Customer Issues and Creative Measures: Vijay Wadhawan

Employee entrepreneurship is perhaps the foundation of our Basic Business Philosophy, calling on each of us to use all our ability to create better methods, boldly and proactively implementing them to achieve great results. In this issue of Panasonic Group People, we look at the initiatives of employees who are pouring every effort into implementing employee entrepreneurship, and how they are utilizing the Panasonic Leadership Principles (PLP).

The systems market in India is constantly evolving, and more and more B2B customers are requesting unique customized solutions. I’m in charge of the system solutions business, and to date I have focused on placing trust in my staff and delegating authority to them so that I can develop leaders who promote employee entrepreneurship.

In addition to boosting profit, all employees here are concentrating their efforts on solving our customers’ issues and developing technologies that can drive the business forward. While taking note of customer requirements and the gap between their ideals and reality, we are working from the ground up to develop unprecedented solutions. At the same time, we are prioritizing the use of open-source software, the development of customizable solutions, the use of OEM/ODM*1 parts, and significant reductions in production and development costs. By developing a culture that strives for innovation and boosting employees’ motivation and sense of responsibility, we have been able to speed up the decision-making process and enhance our competitive advantage.

*1 Original Equipment Manufacturer/Original Design Manufacturer: An ODM designs and produces products for other manufacturers. An OEM produces products under the client’s design and brand.

An SDN installed at a car dealer.

A leading example of one of our solutions is Digital SignEdge (SDN), which is ideal for outdoor advertising. Making full use of ODM displays and content management systems, for example, SDN uses the cloud to update, schedule, and broadcast different content in various formats. Combining hardware and software in the optimal manner, this unparalleled solution has established itself at the top of the industry in India and has contributed to increased earnings. One car manufacturer has installed more than 14,000 units across approximately 1,800 of its dealerships across the country. By entrusting communications to the system, these dealerships have been able to focus on sales and improve their operational efficiency. SDN has already been rolled out in Malaysia and we are looking at extending the system to other countries, too. We have also developed ProMeet, a wireless collaboration solution*2; All-in One USB Meeting Cameras, for use in an array of meetings and assemblies; and a customer waiting list system.

*2 A solution that uses wireless technology to display and share content on large screens.

Wadhawan at a TOUGHBOOK announcement.

Contributing to society with outstanding solutions, delegating authority to teams and their employees, bringing together our comprehensive strengths to find solutions to customer issues, and creating unique solutions to cater to a dynamic, ever-evolving market—the direction we are taking at the Systems Solutions Division is consistent with the PLP.
To me, Panasonic has a strong future as an organization that can respond to various technological requirements. In line with this, it is essential that we evolve into a total solutions provider that covers hardware, software, and services. If we can do so, I have no doubt that all industries dealing with products will uncover new strategies in line with the so-called blue ocean strategy.*3

*3 A blue ocean strategy involves the creation of an entirely new market and the expansion of business into new areas.

Vijay Wadhawan

Leading the introduction of systems into a dynamic market

Director, Systems Solutions Division, Panasonic Life Solutions India

Vijay Wadhawan joined Panasonic in 2016. As the person in charge of the Systems Solutions Division—which handles commercial displays, TOUGHBOOK laptops, broadcasting equipment, security devices, and more—Wadhawan is focusing on the creation of strategies and the development of next-generation leaders.

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