Panasonic Leadership Principles Taking Leadership to Meet New Challenges

Panasonic Leadership Principles Taking Leadership to Meet New Challenges

In October 2021, the Basic Business Philosophy of the Panasonic Group was updated. To put this into practice, we have also adopted the Panasonic Leadership Principles (PLP), guidelines of conduct for each of us to keep in mind in our daily work while acting as a leader. Here, we discuss the background and application of the PLP.

What is the PLP?

As competition among rival companies intensifies, we must be unrivaled in our work and contribute to our customers and society. Our Basic Business Philosophy provides all of the essentials to achieve this. In April 2023, the PLP was formulated as a set of guidelines for each of us to use in putting the Basic Business Philosophy into practice. While the Basic Management Objective, Company Creed, and Seven Principles, which form the Panasonic Group's core spirit, clearly state the purpose and attitude we at Panasonic must have, the PLP provides a clear and well-focused message on how we should act in our daily work to transform these ideas into action.

The 18 project members with high aspirations, recruited openly from among Group employees, discussed and drafted the guidelines, carefully choosing each word to ensure that these guidelines would always be kept in mind and applied in the workplace, and would inspire changes in employee behavior.

Descriptions of the desired conduct have avoided the use of vague expressions because the project team tried to develop messages that are as clear and well-focused as possible. The PLP is not something to be memorized but a set of principles intended to encourage tangible changes in each employee's daily conduct. First, each of us should use the PLP as a basis for reflecting on our actions and decisions in our daily work.

Moving forward, "level standards" will be provided for each job position to identify specific conduct expected for each PLP principle, allowing the PLP to be used in human resources management systems such as hiring, training, and performance evaluation. It is important for us to have a good understanding of these standards in working to improve the level of employee conduct in accordance with the PLP.

Q. Why does the PLP have 11 principles?

A. The PLP was drafted as an update to the Panasonic Global Competency (PGC), a Group-wide guideline of conduct introduced in 2016, based on the Management Philosophy.

While the PGC consisted of eight competencies, the PLP has adopted eleven after extracting elements deemed necessary for the implementation of the Basic Business Philosophy.
However, the current PLP is not in its final form. It will continue to be reviewed and improved as necessary.

Q.How does the PLP differ from the Basic Business Philosophy, Basic Management Objective, Company Creed, and Seven Principles?

Basic Management Objective: The purpose of the Panasonic Group's business and its mission
Company Creed and Seven Principles: Our attitude toward the way we conduct our work on a daily basis as employees of the Panasonic Group
Basic Business Philosophy: The mindset that the employees of the Panasonic Group must follow in their work and in the management of the company
PLP: Guidelines of conduct that each employee should use in putting the Basic Business Philosophy into practice
The Basic Management Objective, Company Creed, and Seven Principles are values that we must uphold as employees of the Panasonic Group. With these values in mind, we are expected to act in line with the PLP. This will enable us to achieve employee entrepreneurship, or in other words, to practice the Basic Business Philosophy. The PLP is part and parcel of the Basic Business Philosophy, not independent of it.

Q. How should each operating company's own guidelines of conduct and its values relate to the PLP?

The Panasonic Group's Basic Business Philosophy forms the basis for each operating company's guidelines of conduct and values, both of which were formulated to put the Basic Business Philosophy into practice. Since the release of the PLP, efforts have been made to clarify the relationship between the PLP and individual operating companies' guidelines of conduct and values. In addition, PHD and PEX will continue to provide information, relevant content, and practical tools to help employees understand the PLP and, moreover, to create an environment where everyone can easily access and learn about the PLP.

Keep Evolving without Fear of Change

【Group CHRO Shigeki Mishima】
The ideas described in the PLP are not new. Many of you may feel that the PLP reflects behaviors that you have already practiced and valued in your workplaces for many years. Everyone in the Panasonic Group is expected to continue to evolve toward their own growth and contribution to society by improving their knowledge, mindset, and behaviors without fear of change. The PLP describes concrete guidelines for our actions to achieve this.

To facilitate change, it is important to reflect upon your current mindset and actions, as well as seek feedback from those around you. We will continue to work with operating companies to provide the necessary programs and tools.

PLP Pocket Card (The 11 principles in business-card size)

Please download the PDF file from here.
To create a mini booklet, print the file double-sided in A4 size, and cut it out accordingly. Please keep the booklet with you.

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