Dec 27, 2016

Products & Solutions / Press Release

Price Revision for Copper clad Laminates and Mass Laminations

Osaka, Japan - Panasonic Corporation today announced that it has revised the prices of its copper clad laminates and mass laminations, with inner layer circuits (Panasonic product name: PreMulti) available as printed circuit board materials.

The price of copper foil, which is a raw material for copper clad laminates and mass laminations has been soaring against the backdrop of its globally tight demand-supply balance. In addition, the London Metal Exchange (LME) price, regarded as the price index for copper ingots, of which copper foil is made, has also been on rise, affecting the price of copper foil.

Panasonic has been making extensive company-wide efforts to absorb the increased raw material costs through manufacturing rationalization and cost reductions. However, absorbing the copper foil price increase through self-help efforts has its limit, and furthermore, in order to continue to ensure a stable product supply for customers, the company has decided to reflect part of the copper foil price increase in its product prices as shown below.

■ Products subject to the price revision and the scale of the revision with respect to the current price

Product Scale of the revision with respect to
the current price
Copper clad laminates +10% of the current price
Mass laminations: PreMulti +5% of the current price

■ Effective from:

Shipment will start on January 1, 2017

About Panasonic

Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development of diverse electronics technologies and solutions for customers in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, enterprise solutions and device industries. Since its founding in 1918, the company has expanded globally and now operates 474 subsidiaries and 94 associated companies worldwide, recording consolidated net sales of 7.553 trillion yen for the year ended March 31, 2016. Committed to pursuing new value through innovation across divisional lines, the company uses its technologies to create a better life and a better world for its customers. To learn more about Panasonic:

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Panasonic Corporation

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