Commit to Employee Entrepreneurship. Acting as a leader to help people live their best

Special Feature

Commit to Employee Entrepreneurship. Acting as a leader to help people live their best

Starting from a small workshop, our predecessors have constantly met new challenges in accordance with the Basic Business Philosophy and expanded the Panasonic Group to today's scale, toward greater contributions to society and customers with high aspirations to attain employee entrepreneurship. However, to our regret, as Yuki Kusumi, Group CEO, stated in his Foundation Day message for this year, the Panasonic Group is currently facing a situation where this spirit of the predecessors has faded away, and our company, which had kept growing since its foundation, has not grown over the past 30 years.

In order to step up our game to enhance competitiveness at top speed, it is important that we reconsider this traditional spirit, return to the basics of employee entrepreneurship, and exert all of our capabilities to create and practice better ways of reaching greater achievements. What specific mindset should we adopt in practicing employee entrepreneurship? The Panasonic Leadership Principles (PLP) were formulated to update the PGC* and guide us to practice genuine employee entrepreneurship, which is the true basis of the Basic Business Philosophy, with a clear message expressing the mindset required for putting the philosophy into practice.

Each of us must constantly think about what’s most important about our job, and its essence, while evaluating our daily tasks against the PLP. This will allow us to practice employee entrepreneurship and contribute to the growth of the Panasonic Group.

*Panasonic Global Competency

A noodle wagon owner must have the mindset to sell noodle dishes, on their own initiative, set up a riverside stand to appeal to potential customers, and taste the food they cooked to check the results. It is crucial to value customer feedback by asking the day's first customers whether the broth tastes good and the noodles are served warm enough. The owner can build up confidence by hearing the customers praise the food, thus becoming able to do an even better job.

For more information /Panasonic Archives(Japanese only)

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