image: 30th ITS World Congress 2024 Dubai Panasonic Booth image

Sep 09, 2024

Sponsorship & Events / Press Release

Panasonic Automotive Systems Exhibit at the 30th ITS World Congress 2024 Dubai

September 9, 2024, Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. will be exhibiting at the ITS World Congress 2024 Dubai.

Panasonic Group are involved in a wide range of ITS businesses, from in-vehicle terminals to traffic infrastructure. We are actively involved in the development of technologies that contribute not only to the environment, but also to advanced technologies, and we will be showcasing these initiatives at the Congress.

【Congress Theme】“Mobility Driven by ITS”
【Period】Monday 16th September 2024 – Friday 20th September 2024
【Venue】Dubai World Trade Center
【Official Home Page】

【Panasonic booth exhibition items】

Panasonic booth will showcase 8 items including the exhibition concept.


Exhibition concept・item



【Exhibition Concept】

Introduce the long-term environmental vision of Panasonic Group “Panasonic GREEN IMPACT” and its initiatives to achieve the vision.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Holdings Corporation/Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


Automotive Vulnerability Analysis System
(VERZEUSE for SIRT (*1))

Unveiling a vulnerability analysis system that streamlines vehicle vulnerability response.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Holdings Corporation/Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management System)

Introducing “DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management System)” that accelerate the deployment of renewable energy to decarbonise society and maximise consumer benefits.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Holdings Corporation


Edge-AI Speaker Recognition System for Automotive

Introducing “Speaker Recognition System” with Edge AI, developed specifically for Automotive to improve personalisation of the voice User Interface (UI).

Exhibitor: Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


MBSE-MBD integration: Improving efficiency for co-creation

Introducing initiative to improve development efficiency for co-creation by applying MBSE-MBD (Model-Based Systems Engineering-Model-Based Development).

Exhibitor: Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


OBC (800V/22kW) Using Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors

Introducing an OBC (800V/22kW) system with High-voltage and high-output using Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.


Perovskite solar cells

Introducing Glass-integrated perovskite solar cells that can be used in a variety of architectural structures, offering excellent power generation efficiency, durability and design to contribute to a decarbonised society.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Holdings Corporation


Technologies aimed at reducing bicycle accidents

Sharing B2X, ITS communication, for Bicycle, which contributed to reducing bicycle accidents.

Exhibitor: Panasonic Cycle Technology Co., Ltd.

*1: Press release on September 9, 2024 “Development of Vulnerability Analysis Innovations VERZEUS for SIRT”

* Items on display other than the exhibition concepts are in alphabetical order.

Reference information:

Media Contact:

Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. Planning Centre, Corporate Communications Office

About Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.

Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. ( was launched on April 1, 2022, as a business company responsible for the automotive business in line with the start of the Panasonic Group’s business company system. We are a global company with operations in 22 countries and regions, approximately 30,000 employees, and sales of approximately 1,491.9 billion yen (fiscal 2023 results). As a Tier 1 company, we provide advanced technologies unique to Panasonic, such as infotainment systems, to automakers in Japan and overseas, contributing to the creation of comfortable, safe, and secure automobiles. Our corporate vision is to be the “Joy in Motion” Design Company, and we are committed to meeting the expectations of our customers around the world with technology that stands by people.

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Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd.

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